Go Visitor Pattern
Extending behaviour without affecting existing classes.
Extending behaviour without affecting existing classes.
Formulas for Runge-Kutta Integrators
Camera config for Raspberry Pi/Ubuntu distros
Training an OpenCV Face Recognition Model
Face detection with OpenCV
Image processing with OpenCV in python
Basic operations in OpenCV with Python
Instantiating structs with the options pattern.
Easy trick to convert videos to gif
Using OpenAI’s API to generate images
Using the API which drives ChatGPT
Moderating text input with OpenAI’s API
Speech-to-text transcription and translation using OpenAI’s API
Text completion using OpenAI’s API
Using dockerx to build and run containers for different architectures
Use Go’s inbuilt fuzz testing tools.
Compile C++ code with Go
How to build packages for debian based systems
Combining the dark arts of C with golang
Using different source code for different machines.
Kubernetes commands
Writing and publishing go docs on pkg.go.dev
Generics Overview for Golang
Concurrent testing in go
Test Cheatsheet for Flutter
State patterns in Flutter
Practical testing in go
Cheatsheet for dart
Basics of Kalman Filter
Basic gRPC using Python
Basic gRPC using Go
Simple encoding/decoding in Python
Simple encoding/decoding in Golang
Basics for creating and using protobuffers
Streaming from a Raspberry Pi
Install and Run GStreamer on Debian Distros
Controlling Raspberry Pi IO with C++
Controlling Raspberry Pi IO with Python
Setting Up the PiCam on Raspberry Pi
Mocking interfaces in GoLang
A bunch of CLI commands for ROS
Common docker cli commands
Reference for component cohesion and coupling principles
A bunch of shell commands I find useful
Command cheatsheet for gdb.
Cheatsheet for Rust testing syntax
Reference for component cohesion and coupling principles
Reference for common software principles.
Lists, Slices, Arrays, Strings, Loops, and Iterators
Reference from reading Martin Fowler’s Refactoring book
Simple screen command reference
Managing Go routines using the Context package
Regex reference with Python/Cpp examples
Sequence Diagram Reference
Profiling code in Golang
How to use the MX1508
Useful terminal-based serial tool
C++ templates and generics
Testing basics in go
Basic arduino cheatsheet
Cheatsheet for golang
A bunch of CLI commands for ROS2
Simple C++ constructor patterns
Simple C++ lambda examples
Simple Lambda examples
Useful git commands
Hoani’s Altium Standards
Octave/Matlab control tools cheatsheet
CLI argparse cheatsheet
Useing Lagrange’s equations
Determine a system of equations from Kinetic and Potential energy
Useful formula
Doing useful stuff in Octave
Some notes on eigen values/vectors
Simple ODE Solver Examples
Cheatsheet for UML Class Diagrams
A bunch of example scripts to get matplotlib plotting stuff
Using decorators in python
Useful mathematics for quaternion based rotations
How quaternions work
Working with static libraries
Reference, Guides and Tutorials
Writing CMakeLists.txt for C++
Inheritance, Virtual Functions, Interfaces and more
Using const with pointers and classes
Basics for using C++ vectors
Basics for using the C++ key-value pair map objects
Using Generics in Rust
Using Lifetimes in Rust