Go Fuzz Testing

1 minute read

Fuzz test structure

Fuzz tests look like:

func Fuzz_MyTest(f *testing.F) {
  f.Add([]byte{1, 2, 3})

  f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, a []byte){
    // Test logic applied to the input.

Fuzz_MyTest(f *testing.F) declares the fuzz test.

f.Add(...) specifies a “seed corpus”. This is used as a starting point for the fuzzer to generate randomized inputs. We can have more than one f.Add(...) if we want to make sure specific cases are covered.

f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, ...) speficies the actual test to run on the randomized inputs.

In this case I have specified a []byte as the input argument. However, fuzzing arguments can be one or more of any of the following types:

int, int8, int16, int32, int64, 
uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64,
rune, byte, []byte, string,
float32, float64, bool 

Running fuzz tests

We can call:

go test .

This will run our fuzz test with the “seed corpuses” (and generated corpuses if those exist), but no randomized tests will be run.

To run the fuzzer, run:

go test -fuzz=.

This will run until a failure occurs. If it is impossible to make the test fail or panic, this command will run forever.

If we want the fuzzer to run for a specific amount of time (i.e for CI), then run:

go test -fuzz=. -fuzztime=5s

This will run the fuzzer for 5 seconds only.

Generated corpus

When a fuzz test fails, it will generate something called a “generated corpus”, which is a specification of the exact inputs which caused the failure.

This will be stored in a testdata/fuzz/<test name>/<hash> file which will look something like:

go test fuzz v1

Where the second line specifies the inputs.

You may consider commiting the generated corpus to your project, because it provides regression for your test - that is, it will be run alongside your “seed corpus” whenever your fuzz test is run with go test.