Regex Cheatsheet

2 minute read

Regex tester:


A regular expression is often delimited by two forward slashes and may be followed by modifiers:


Literal Characters

/hello/       // matches `hello`
/hello/i      // case-insensitive match to `hello`
/hello/g      // match all instances of `hello`

Metacharacter Symbols

/^h/i;         // ^  - Must start with
/orld$/i;      // $  - Must end with
/^hello$/i;    // ^$ - Must start and end with
/h.llo/i;      // .  - Matches any ONE character
/h*w/i;        // *  - Matches any character zero + times
/gre?a?y/i;    // ?  - optional character, can exist or not
               //      (valid inputs: Gry, Grey, Gray, Greay)
/gre?a?y\?/i;  // \  - escape characters

Brackets [] - Character sets

/gr[ae]y/i;    // must be an a or e only
/[GF]ray/;     // must be a G or F only
/[^GF]ray/;    // Match anything except G or F (^ == NOT)
/[A-Z]ray/;    // Match any uppercase letter
/[a-z]ray/;    // Match any lowercase letter
/[A-Za-z]ray/; // Match any letter
/[0-9]ray/;    // Match any digit

Braces {} - Quantifiers

re = /Hel{2}o/i;    // Match exactly {N} times 
re = /Hel{2,4}o/i;  // Match within the range times 
re = /Hel{2,}o/i;   // Match at least {N} times 

Parentheses () - Grouping

re = /([0-9]x){3}$/;

Shorthand character classes

re = /\w/;          // \w - Word character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _)
re = /^\w+$/;       // Match word characters only
re = /\W/;          // \W - Non-word character
re = /\d/;          // \d - Any digit (0-9)
re = /\d+/;         // \d - Any digit multiple times
re = /\D/;          // \d - Any non-digit
re = /\s/;          // \s - Any whitespace character
re = /\S/;          // \S - Any non-whitespace character
re = /Hell\b/i;     // \b - Word boundary - word ends at \b


re = /x(?=y)/;      // Match x only if it is followed by y
re = /x(?!y)/;      // Match x only if it is not followed by y

C++ Regex

Define a regular expression with regex:

std::regex myRegEx("hello", std::regex_constants::icase)

Determine whether an expression matches with regex_search:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>

int main() {
  std::regex hexRegex("^0x[\\da-f]{1,}", 
  std::vector<std::string> items = {
  for (auto item: items) {
    if (std::regex_search(item, hexRegex)) {
        std::cout << item << " is valid hex\n";
  return 0;


0x1234ab56e7 is valid regex
0x1F is valid regex

The regex library has a few other nice features, like regex iterators and replace tools.

Python Regex

Define a regular expression with re.compile:

re.compile("hello", re.I)

Determine whether an expression matches with re.match:

import re

hex_regex = re.compile("^0x[\\da-f]{1,}", re.I)
items = [

for item in items:
    if, item) is not None:
        print(item, "is valid regex")


0x1234ab56e7 is valid regex
0x1F is valid regex

Like the C++ library, the python re library has a bunch of useful ways of searching through strings.