Go Visitor Pattern

1 minute read

The visitor pattern allows us to extend the behaviour of various objects through a common interface.

It is particularly powerful when working with the composite pattern or any kind of graph execution where we want to keep our graph traversal logic seperate from our handling logic.

The Pattern

To show how the visitor pattern works, we will extend arbitrary shapes using visitors.

For example, we may have a Shape class which:

  • accepts a Visitor
  • is implemented by Circle and Rectangle
title: Class diagram
  Shape <|-- Circle
  Shape <|-- Rectangle
  class Shape{
  class Circle{
    +float64 Radius
  class Rectangle{
    +float64 Length
    +float64 Width
  class Visitor{

Say we define an Area visitor:

title: Area Visitor
  Visitor <|-- Area
  class Visitor{
  class Area{
    +Calculate(Shape) float64

If we call Area::Calculate we get:

    participant Caller
    participant Area
    participant Circle
    Caller->>Area: Calculate(Circle)
    Area->>Circle: Accept(self)
    Circle->>Area: DoCircle(self)
    Area-->>Caller: result

The call to Accept and DoCircle is known as double dispatch and allows the Caller to not know that the Shape it has sent Area is infact a Circle.

Go Code

In go this looks like:

type Visitor interface {

type Shape interface {

type Circle struct {
  float64 Radius

func (c *Circle) Accept(v Visitor) {

type Rectangle struct {
  float64 Length
  float64 Width

func (r *Rectangle) Accept(v Visitor) {

We are now setup to extend Circle and Rectangle shapes as much as we like.

An Area visitor will look like:

type Area struct {
  float64 result

func (v *Area) Calculate(s Shape) float64 {
  return v.result

func (av *Area) DoCircle(c *Circle) {
  v.result = math.Pi * math.Pow(c.Radius,2)

func (v *Area) DoRectangle(r *Rectangle) {
  v.result = r.Length * r.Height

Another example is a Circumference visitor:

type Circumference struct {
  float64 result

func (v *Circumference) Calculate(s Shape) float64 {
  return v.result

func (a *Circumference) DoCircle(c *Circle) {
  v.result = 2.0 * math.Pi * c.Radius

func (v *Circumference) DoRectangle(r *Rectangle) {
  v.result = 2.0 * (r.Length + r.Height)