GDB Cheatsheet

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Text User interface

For a more interactive gdb session, can use a text user interface:

(gdb) layout src
(gdb) layout asm
(gdb) layout split

Depending on which command was run, it will display the source, assembler or both.


To remove the text user interface (tui):

(gdb) tui disable


Stepping through code is done with the step command. Optionally a number of steps <N> can be specified. Entering a blank command after a step will continue stepping the code.

To only step 1 assembly instruction at a time, use stepi.

(gdb) step
(gdb) step <N>
(gdb) s
(gdb) stepi
(gdb) si

To step over (rather than into):

(gdb) next
(gdb) n

To step out of the current function:

(gdb) finish

Use continue to run to the next breakpoint.

(gdb) continue
(gdb) c

Use break to set a breakpoint at entry to <function>.

(gdb) break <function>
(gdb) b <function>

Set a breakpoint at a particular file on a particular line.

(gdb) break <file>:<ln>
(gdb) break

To disable and enable breakpoints, use the breakpoint numbers:

(gdb) disable 1
(gdb) enable 1

A value of a local variable can be printed with print. Expressions can also be evaluated

(gdb) print <a>
(gdb) p <a> 
(gdb) print <a + b>

To show the value of all local variables:

(gdb) info locals
(gdb) i locals

To show function args:

(gdb) info args

To set the value of a local:

(gdb) set <variable> = <value>

Reset the session:

(gdb) monitor reset halt

Show the current backtrace:

(gdb) backtrace

Ending a session

(gdb) quit

Remote debugging

(gdb) target remote <ipaddr>:<port>